Wednesday, June 29, 2016

PDG. Ricardo Marquez Advises Police to Continue Good Performance inspite of Reshuffle


“I’m thinking of placing someone who could deliver. You have the right place for the right position for you to contribute to the attainment of our three to six months target,” said incoming PNP Chief Ronald Dela Rosa.

The incoming PNP Chief is very vocal about his plans of re-organization in the Philippine National Police as soon as he assumes position.

First of his priorities is to minimize crime and illegal drug activities in the country in the first three to six months in office.

This prompted PDir. Victor Deona, who still has six months in service, to express his views on the matter given only.

“I may not know where will I go. I might be in limbo before I retire in December,” Deona said.

Since the pressure of three to six months target is up, Gen. Dela Rosa is asking the support of all policemen.

“Just let me do first what I want to do to attain our target of three to six months. After that, that’s the time I would entertain you. Only six months,” Dela Rosa said.

Dela Rosa says re-organization is normal in the ranks of the national police plus, the compensation remains the same for a police wherever he may be assigned.

“When you’re relieved from your present post, would you lose a bit of your salary? you still have your salary. So, why worry?” Dela Rosa explained.

For his part, Dir. Deona has this message for the incoming police chief.

“We cannot really make things perfect but we can make things right. We cannot do everything but we can do something.”

Nevertheless, outgoing PNP Chief PDG. Ricardo Marquez advises his men to carry on with their good performance wherever their assignment takes them.

“Hold on to their dreams. Let us not forget the values of public service. Wherever we may be assigned, there is no insignificant assignment when it comes to public service,” PDG. Marquez said in a statement.



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